[146: "Jewish lawyer, Spiegel, driven through the streets of Weimar with a sign saying: I will never again", 189: "The Stuermer - the headline says: The Jews are emigrating/", 207: "Jews and Communists being forced to clean the walls, Chemnitz March 1933", 407: "äúòøåëä äåöâä ááéú äúà öéåðé áøç' Kleist ááøìéï åá÷øå áä ë- 20 àìó àéù.", 408: "îúåê úòøåëú ", 411: "ðàåîéí ùì ìéàå á÷ å- Heinrich Stahl ááéú äëðñú áøç' Prinzregenten, áøìéï.", 420: "áîøëæ æä èåôìå áùðú 1936 7,000 éìãéí", 422: "áîøëæ æä èåôìå áùðú 1936 7,000 éìãéí", 429: "îôâù ùì àîäåú öòéøåú òí øåôàú éìãéí", 459: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 460: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 461: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 462: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 463: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 464: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 465: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 466: "äñîéðø äú÷ééí á- Lehnitz ùòì éã Oranienburg á- 1 - 8 áéåìé 1934", 467: "àå÷èåáø 1937", 472: "äîçæä As You Like It äåöâ ìøàùåðä ò", 488: " Lisel Simon úôøä áâãéí ìùéùéí áåáåú åùéç÷ä áúéàèøåï", 489: " Lisel Simon úôøä áâãéí ìùéùéí áåáåú åùéç÷ä áúéàèøåï", 490: " Lisel Simon úôøä áâãéí ìùéùéí áåáåú åùéç÷ä áúéàèøåï", 494: "øëáú îäâøéí îéåçãú ùéöàä áò÷áåú ÷áìú 650 ñøèéôé÷èéí ìàøõ- éùøàì", 495: "øëáú îäâøéí îéåçãú ùéöàä áò÷áåú ÷áìú 650 ñøèéôé÷èéí ìàøõ- éùøàì", 496: "øëáú îäâøéí îéåçãú ùéöàä áò÷áåú ÷áìú 650 ñøèéôé÷èéí ìàøõ- éùøàì", 497: "øëáú îäâøéí îéåçãú ùéöàä áò÷áåú ÷áìú 650 ñøèéôé÷èéí ìàøõ- éùøàì", 498: "øëáú îäâøéí îéåçãú ùéöàä áò÷áåú ÷áìú 650 ñøèéôé÷èéí ìàøõ- éùøàì", 616: "Jews are blood suckers", 651: "Avoid Jewish doctors and lawyers", 667: "Come dear month of May and take the Jews away", 677: "Jews are unwanted here", 678: "We don't want to see any Jews -- The Jews are our misfortune", 679: "Jews are unwanted", 680: "The Jews are our misfortune -- They should stay away from us", 681: "Contact with Jews -- exclusion from the community of the village", 683: "The road to Palestine does not pass here", 684: "Jews are unwanted in Heisede", 685: "Jews are unwanted", 700: "Jews unwanted", 701: "The inhabitants of this town want no contact with Jews", 702: "Jews have no business in Ahrbergen", 703: "Jews are unwanted here --- The department store accross belongs to the Jew David Boas", 704: "Jews are not wanted here", 705: "Jews are unwanted in Hildesheim", 706: "The Stuermer -- Racism is the key to world history.", 707: "Jews are unwanted here", 708: "NSDAP - Local group Everloh.Women and girls, the Jews corrupt you. The Jews are our misfortune.", 709: "Jews are unwanted here", 710: "Jews enter this place at their own risk", 711: "Jews go to you own land -- In this country you are damned", 712: "Inhabitants of this place wish to have no contact with Jews", 873: "ëì éåí èåôìå áîøëæ ë- 300 àéù, øáéí îäí ñáìå îáòéåú ðôùéåú", 874: "ëì éåí èåôìå áîøëæ ë- 300 àéù, øáéí îäí ñáìå îáòéåú ðôùéåú", 875: "ëì éåí èåôìå áîøëæ ë- 300 àéù, øáéí îäí ñáìå îáòéåú ðôùéåú", 1165: "áëéúä äéä úìîéã éäåãé àçã - äøáøè ôøâø (òåîã ùðé îùîàì)", 1184: "ñôèîáø 1939, ðéúï ìøàåú àú ùéðåé äùí ùì äðöéâåú äàøöéú ìäúàçãåú äàøöéú.", 1202: "ìöã ëåúøú äîãåø - ôøñåîú îàåéøú ìáèàåï äàâåãä.", 1203: "äè÷ñè äîöåøó :äòéúåï ðåúï ãéååç îëì äòåìí - àéøåôä, àñéä åàôøé÷ä åòå÷á î÷øåá àçøé îàá÷éä ùì ôìñèéðä.", 1205: "áîåãòä : ìòéúåï éù úôåöä øçáä áëì âøîðéä, æå äãøê äèåáä áéåúø ìôøñí î÷åîåú òáåãä.", 1206: "ôåøñí áîãåø äñôøåú ùì áèàåï äàâåãä äîøëæéú", 1209: "äåøàåú ìãøê äúôéìä ëùàéï îðééï.", 1225: "úåëðéú òáåãä çéðåëéú ìì", 1955: "Boycott day, April 1th, 1933", 2500: "Jews in forced Labor", 1949: "Bench with sign: For Jews only", 1986: "Adolf Hitler", 2005: "SA parade, 1935", 2195: "Ernst Roehm, the SA chief-of-staff", 1980: "Herschel Grynspan", 1968: "Adolf Eichmann", 1978: "Hermann Goering", 2014: "Propaganda poster, depicting Julius Streicher", 2015: "Der Stuermer", 1993: "Nuremberg laws - table defining half Jews", 2528: "Nuremberg laws - table defining half Jews", 2529: "Nuremberg laws - table defining half Jews", 2538: "Public humiliation of couple accused of race defilement", 1973: "Meeting of the Evian Conference", 2555: "World Jewish Congress (WJC)", 2491: "The Horowitz Synagogue in Frankfurt, burning on Kristallnacht", 1992: "The Horowitz Synagogue in Frankfurt on fire", 2513: "Sports class at Jewish boarding school in Herlingen", 1990: "Concentration camp", 2201: "Cleaning anti-Nazi slogans, March 1933", 2202: "Cleaning anti-Nazi slogans, March 1933", 2482: "Martin Buber lecturing in Berlin 1934", 2509: "Otto Hirsch", 2182: "Cover of 'Mein Kampf'", 2022: "Jews deported to Zbaszyin", 2006: "Prisoners in concentration camp", 1965: "Prisoners arrive at Dachau", 2499: "Juedisches Nachrichtenblatt, announcing Flight Tax for Jews", 2787: "Ismar Elbogen at the Berlin School for Jewish Studies, 1938", 2789: "Ismar Elbogen at the Berlin School for Jewish Studies, 1938", 2545: "Julius L. Seligsohn, CV Leader, Berlin", 2548: "Heinrich Stahl, Chairman of the Berlin Jewish Community", 2535: "German School, all students but one were non Jews", 2183: "SA man", 1963: "Jews in Vienna waiting for passports", 1951: "SA in the streets of Vienna, March 1938", 2508: "Jewish family arrives at San Francisco", 2003: "Rabbi Leo Baeck -- Head of the National Representation", 2533: "Rabbi Leo Baeck -- Head of the National Representation", 2788: "Rabbi Leo Baeck -- Head of the National Representation", 1957: "Breslau", 1971: "Poster: the ideal Aryan family", 1988: "Poster: the ideal Aryan family", 2019: "Poster: the ideal Aryan family", 2011: "Hitler and Speer", 2161: "Condor squadron- Nazi air force - sent to help Franco", 1974: "Production of cannons in Germany", 2184: "The opening of the Berlin Olympics, 1936", 1953: "Berlin", 2484: "Joseph Buerckel", 1977: "Joseph Goebbels", 2187: "Joseph Goebbels", 2188: "Joseph Goebbels", 1959: "A swastika over a church", 1979: "Great Britain", 1952: "Hitler and Mussolini", 2197: "Rosa Luxemburg", 2013: "The Stab in the Back legend - the Dolchstoss", 1967: "The Stab in the Back legend - the Dolchstoss", 2163: "Anton Drexler", 2203: "Propaganda-poster, depicting Lenin and Stalin", 2010: "Propaganda-poster, depicting Lenin and Stalin", 2196: "Franklin D. Roosevelt", 2017: "Franklin D. Roosevelt", 1987: "Hitler Youth with swastika flags", 1998: "Hitler and Franz von Papen (center), Potsdam, Germany, March 21, 1933", 1985: "Hindenburg and Hitler", 1995: "Hitler negotiates with Chamberlain, Munich 1938", 2158: "Hitler negotiates with Chamberlain, Munich 1938", 1960: "Church under Swastika, Germany", 2160: "Hitler with Catholic leaders in Germany", 1991: "Blitzkrieg in Poland, 1939", 2179: "Expansion of Nazi Germany", 2180: "Expansion of Nazi Germany", 2000: "Hitler salutes his army after invasion of Poland,Sept 1939", 2193: "Joachim von Ribbentrop (sitting on left) and Danish ambassador Zahle, Germany", 2200: "German newspapers before the Nazi regime", 2207: "German newspapers before the Nazi regime", 2170: "The Fuehrer", 2189: "German Peasant woman at a Reichsnahrstand farm", 2190: "German peasant women at a Reichsnahrstand farm", 1981: "Dr. Otto Pankok with Sinti and Roma , 1932", 2206: "The Versailles Conference", 2176: "League of Nations", 1976: "Soldiers taking oath upon their joining the German Army", 2020: "Soldiers taking oath upon their joining the German Army", 2175: "The rearmament", 2009: "Arthur Seyss-Inquart", 1947: "Hitler enters Vienna after the annexation of Austria, March 1938", 2018: "Vienna after Annexation", 2199: "Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg (sitting), at the time of the liberation", 2173: "Konrad Henlein", 2204: "The German invasion into the Sudetenland", 2167: "President Hindenburg", 1964: "The Invasion into Czechoslovakia", 1966: "Danzig", 1969: "Theodor Eicke", 2174: "Rudolf Hess", 2790: "Cordell Hull", 2181: "Locarno Pact", 2021: "Ernst von Weizsaecker", 1999: "Pius XII", 1954: "Bohemia and Moravia", 2192: "German troops enter the Rhineland", 2004: "Alfred Rosenberg", 2007: "Hjlmar Schacht", 2205: "Jozef Tiso", 1989: "Intergovermental committee", 1956: "Anti German Boycott", 1997: "Konstantin von Neurath", 2521: "Schwerin von Krosigk", 2537: "People applying at the Palestine Office to emigrate", 2469: "Agudas Jisroel", 1996: "Munich", 1975: "Frankfurt", 2524: "Book commemorating Jewish soldiers who fell in World War I", 2505: "Book commemorating Jewish soldiers who fell in World War I", 2523: "Book commemorating Jewish soldiers who fell in World War I", 2525: "Book commemorating Jewish soldiers who fell in World War I", 2540: "Book commemorating Jewish soldiers who fell in World War I", 1982: "Hamburg", 2534: "Appeal to the Germans to act against the Jews", 2164: "Friedrich Ebert", 2165: "Kurt Eisner", 2470: "Information Booklet for Jewish Immigrants -South America", 2792: "The Law of Citizenship, denying German Citizenship to Jews", 2512: "Ludwig Hollander", 2554: "Walther Rathenau", 2486: "Sign at the CV Office's Entrance, Emser St., Berlin", 2791: "Hitler at the Party day in Nuremberg", 2194: "Leni Riefenstahl shooting a scene of the propaganda film' Triumph of the Will'", 2793: "Front page of Stuttgart and Ulm Jewish Community Paper ", 2549: "Heinrich Stern", 2471: "At the CV Office, Emser str, Berlin", 2487: "At the CV Office, Emser str, Berlin", 2510: "At the CV Office, Emser str, Berlin", 2485: "Press room of the CV Zeitung", 2527: "Franz Meyer", 2476: "A Zionist conference, February 1936", 2023: "A Zionist conference, February 1936", 2558: "A Zionist conference, February 1936", 2556: "A Zionist conference, February 1936", 2531: "Dr. Siegfried Moses , Blumenfeld and Ussischkin (from left to right) sitting in a hall", 2479: "Kurt Yehuda Blumenfeld", 2543: "Robert Weltsch at the Press Room of the Juedische Rundschau", 2520: "Robert Weltsch at the Press Room of the Juedische Rundschau", 2795: "Jewish Books for sale", 2515: "Jewish Books for sale", 2542: "A Simchat Torah Celebration of the Zionist Youth Front, Lodz, Poland", 2475: "At a synagogue in Berlin", 2468: "Jewish Youth in Hachschara", 2796: "The Joint", 2518: "Advertisement for the Jewish Winter Aid", 2496: "Ernst Akiva Simon", 2794: "Martin Buber giving a Bible class for Adult education", 2797: "Conference of regional branches of Kulturbund, Berlin 1937", 2492: "Kulturbund performance, 1934", 2522: "Kulturbund preformance, 1934", 2488: "Agricultural settelment in Palestine", 2507: "Agricultural settelment in Palestine", 2516: "Agricultural settelment in Palestine", 2473: "Arthur Ruppin (center)", 2494: "Eastern European Jews in Berlin ", 2524: "Display of main Jewish Newspapers", 2526: "Max Liebermann", 2557: "Office of the Center of Youth Aliyah , Berlin 1936", 2481: "Julius Brodniz", 2501: "Franz Oppenheimer", 2502: "Jewish Youth at Agricultural Training Camp", 2198: "The Saar is free! Heil the Fuehrer! ", 2511: "Jacob Hoffmann", 2191: "The Reichstag", 2012: "SS Rally", 2210: "A Communist demonstration during the Weimar days", 1946: "Hitler enters Vienna after the annexation of Austria, March 1938", 1948: "Anti-Jewish legislation", 1950: "An Aryanized Jewish Shop", 1972: "Pseudo scientific chart on hereditary transmission of genetic defect", 1983: "Reinhard Heydrich", 1984: "Heinrich Himmler addressing SS soldiers, Germany 1942", 1994: "SS-Oberfuehrer Heinrich Mueller, Chief of the Gestapo (right)", 2001: "A race education class at a school for German girls, 1943", 2002: "Reinhard Heydrich", 2008: "SD men supervise deportation of Jews to Lublin", 2016: "A refugee train under guard, at train station in Zurich, Switzerland", 2159: "Winston Churchill", 2162: "SS-Gruppenfuehrer Kurt Daluege", 2168: "Soldiers of the Freikorps preparing for festivities on May 1, 1923, Germany ", 2169: " Wilhelm Frick, Minister of Interior", 2171: "An assembly of the BDM (German Young Girl's Youth Movement), Germany", 2172: "An assembly of the BDM (German Young Girl's Youth Movement), Germany", 2177: "Lebensborn Home in Steinhoering, upper Bavaria", 2178: "Lebensborn Home in Steinhoering, upper Bavaria", 2185: "Hugo Preuss", 2186: "East Prussia, Germany", 2208: "Poster: The ideal Aryan family", 2472: "Hanna Arendt", 2474: "Poster: The ideal Aryan family", 2477: "Hitler and Mussolini in Venice", 2478: "Werner Best", 2483: "Registration of prisoners in concentration camp", 2489: "Prisoners in concentration camp", 2495: "Emergency Decrees, 28 Februar 1933", 2497: "Monument in Berlin, commemorating the protest demonstration in Rosenstrasse", 2498: "Gottfried Feder", 2503: "Walther Funk", 2504: "German Labor Front (DAF)", 2506: "Franz Guertner, Justice Minister, Germany", 2514: "Israelitisches Familienblatt for sale with other Jewish newspapers", 2517: "Jews being transported to the Warsaw ghetto", 2519: "Jews being transported to the Warsaw ghetto", 2530: "A Mizrahi Movement Choir, Dresden, Germany, Prewar", 2532: "Poster: The ideal Aryan family", 2536: "Orthodox Jews celebrating completion of a cycle of Talmud study, Regensburg, Germany", 2539: "At the CV office, Emser str, Berlin", 2541: "At the CV office, Emser str, Berlin", 2544: "Defendant Walter Schellenberg in the Nuremberg Trials, Germany 1946", 2546: "Kurt Singer", 2550: "Wilhelm Stuckart", 2551: "Haavara Agreement - An advertising in Israeli newspaper", 2553: "Adolf Wagner", 2786: "Rabbi Leo Baeck - Head of the National Representation", 2803: "Inspection by the Gestapo upon entrance to the Vilna ghetto", 2802: "Nazi Troops at a Nazi Party rally, Nueremberg, Germany 1935", 2804: "Hans Frank at a visit in the Generalgouvernement, Stanislavov, Poland", 2967: "A Jewish family in Moenchengladbach celebrates Christmas in the 30's", 2805: "A Jewish boy wearing the Jewish Badge", 2806: "First paragraph of the law", 2807: "A Boy on Board of the St. Louis, Hamburg, Germany"]